Movie Label 2013

Movie Label 2013

Full-featured managing tool to keep your movie database updated and organized
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5
Used by 1 person

Movie Label 2013 is a full-featured, powerful cataloging tool that will help you keep your movie collection fully updated and organized. With support for nearly all types of media, you can include here not only your DVD or Blu-ray collection, but also your DivX files and even your old VHS videotapes.

You will not find many movie cataloging tools with such a plethora of information, statistics, and reports, and with such a level of flexibility and customization. The main interface is devoted to your movies, as it could not be any other way. Its ribbon-based design will quickly remind you of the newer versions of Microsoft Word, which will surely help those already familiar with the Office suite. The amount of information that you will get for each of the movies in your collection is simply overwhelming – apart from the more obvious fields (title, year, etc.), you are offered full coverage of the crew, the cast, technical data, awards, the plot, the comments received, etc. You can then link the movie to its trailer (online or offline), the actual files of the movie, the official site. Most of these sections (conveniently tabbed) open new windows with even more detailed information, complemented with attractively-designed statistics and reports that will help you understand and organize so much data.

Movie Label cleverly mixes the information it retrieves from the Internet (especially from IMDb, one of the best online movie databases available) with more specific information that pertains to your collection exclusively. Thus, you can keep track of which movies you have watched already, and which you have not; when you watched them, and what is your opinion about them; in which media you have them in your collection, and who (if anyone) borrowed the disc. Movie Label has been conceived as “your” personal database, “your” movie collection, but with a professional look and feel. The fact that you own those movies, that you have watched them, rated them, and commented on them, should not make it less valuable, comprehensive, or interesting.

FM Senior editor
Francisco Martínez
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Works seamlessly with IMBd, probably one of the best movie databases
  • Comprehensive and well-organized data sheets
  • Includes thumbnails of both movies and persons
  • Well-designed, useful reports


  • None



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